Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Look Doctrine Poster

Millennial Couple© ANATOMICA METABOLIC NUTRICON Finally, it’s here! Ready and abundantly available the much awaited for and much anticipated, “Wealth of Knowledge” Masterpiece by Don Tolman, the 1st in a series. The Millennial Couple© will no doubt become a classic best seller amongst those who now have, or seek to have and cherish, health and the provocatively delicious mystery of plants as Wholefood offerings to the body as a place of, Sacred Geometric Beauty. The Millennial Couple© will pass from one generation to the next as “A Family Heirloom”, A Treasure of Knowledge; Art and the Printed Word combined harmoniously into a Restoration of Lost Wisdom and the Appreciation of Deep Gratitude for our “Mother the Earth” with her fecund gifts of intelligence and pleasure created in the form of scrumptious whole foods. You’ll thrill as you feel moved by the Millennial Couple©. Ponder, and contemplate again and again upon the principles presented here. Learn of the Signs of Nature: “How a thing like unto itself is drawn.” Have you ever noticed how a sliced carrot looks like the pupil and iris of the eye? How a walnut looks like the brain? How a tomato looks like the heart…or that an avocado looks like the womb and cervix and takes 9 months to grow from blossom to ripened fruit? It’s no accident that we call them kidney beans! Discover the connection between the 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 notes of the octave, 7 smells, 7 nutritional fibers, 7 habitats, 7 holes of the head, 7 neuro-endocrine centers of the body and the 7 whole food groups. This is an Art investment that will pay “dividends” for a Lifetime of Health, Pleasure and Wisdom.